Sunday, September 18, 2022

Hawaii in a Day Part 2

Kualoa Ranch also Known as Jurassic Valley

Welcome to part 2 of Hawaii in a day. To see the first blog entry please click here.

Being on Hawaii time and coming from the East coast I was up pretty early. I obviously took it slow that morning as there wasn't much I could do at 3:30 in the morning. I researched some places that a fantastic sunrise could be seen on the island. I eventually settled Kailua Beach. There were a handful of people out there ready to experience a Hawaiian sunrise as well. It was quite beautiful and made me fall in love with Hawaii all that much more.

Sunrise looking to Moku Nui Island

Looking down Kailua Beach

Sunrise on Kailua Beach

Looking towards the Mountains of O'ahu

Waves crashing on the beach with some beautiful water

Panoramic of the beach and Mountains

Your author enjoying that Hawaiian sunrise

A couple people ready to enjoy the waters of the pacific
on their outrigger canoe

After enjoying the beautiful sunrise, it was time for breakfast. As a fan of movies, I thought I'd look up a famous one from a movie called 50 First Dates. Soon I found myself at the Hukilau Cafe. Unfortunately, this isn't the same style cafe from the movie, it was only used as inspiration for the movie. They were not open for dine in, so I got my breakfast to go. 

The inspiration for the Adam Sandler & Drew Barrymore 
50 First Dates Movie Cafe

Having grabbed my breakfast to go, I found myself at a park picnic table at La'ie Beach. I enjoyed my breakfast with a beautiful view of Hawaii. This spot will also be known as the spot that I learned of Queen Elizabeth II's death. This makes it one of the places you don't forget where you were when something of historical significance happens. 

My omelet and tea overlooking La'ie Beach

After I enjoyed my breakfast, I took a walk down on the beach and discovered another scenic beach view. This beach had a beautiful cliff that the waves would crash against. 

A rope swing awaits high tide 
at La'ie Beach

Next stop was the famous Kualoa Ranch. Unfortunately, all the tours showed "Sold Out" online, but I figured I'd stop and take a look around and do some shopping. 

A Hawaiian Rainbow over Kualoa Ranch

The beautiful view of Kualoa Ranch

Horseback Rides are offered here as well. 

A map of the ranch and Jurassic Valley

While walking past the spot that sells tickets, I asked if they had room for one more on any tour. As luck would have it they had a tour scheduled in 20 minutes that had a single seat open. I quickly snagged that seat for the opportunity to check out Jurassic Park and other movie areas. This was certainly one of the highlights of my 26 hours on the island. Such a beautiful area full of movie moments and history. 

Here is a view of most movies and tv shows filmed at Kualoa Ranch

TV Productions Shot on the ranch

Movies shot on the ranch

Once onboard the tour bus my friendly guide, Stephanie, ran through the do's and don'ts as well as what we can expect to see. I must say that I learned a lot about Hawaii, it's culture, history, and traditions on this hour and a half tour. As nice as I feel my pictures look, not a single picture will ever do justice showing the true beauty this area offers. 

A great photo op for any Dinosaur fan

The Fabulous Stephanie! You can tell she loves doing this

Let's not have an incident today

Have you seen this T-Rex

The Kualoa Tour Bus

The start of the tour offers this breathtaking view

The first stop on the tour is a bunker that was used back in the war days. This bunker has also been used in multiple movies as well.

Pearl Harbor was filmed at this Bunker

Inside the Bunker is a display of items from motion pictures that have been filmed at the ranch. My favorites filmed here and displayed were Jumanji and of course anything from the Jurassic Park franchise. 

A model of "Jurassic Valley"

There are Dinosaurs on the Dinosaur tour

The sign from the Jurassic World Gyrosphere ride

Jumanji was another great movie filmed here

This movie used vehicle from Jurassic World

The view from the bunker area overlooking the coast

Once through the bunker it was time to head into the valley where some spectacular views awaited. In the "Jurassic Valley" we all were told about many movies and TV shows along the way. 

The view as you start the drive into Jurassic Valley

Just a beautiful view

With this being a real ranch they grow produce

Cattle are all over this ranch as well. Our 
tour-guide reminded us that while some things
are foam movie sets, the doo-doo was real.

This is a head from the Easter Island special on
National Geographic

This is a head from the Easter Island special on
National Geographic

This ranch even has chickens

A foot cut out of the grass from Godzilla. It has 
been filled in over time as the cows kept falling in

Looking into Jurassic Valley

These huts show what old "Hawaiian" homes
looked like

The set of Kong Skull Island

At a very famous spot from a very famous movie.
 "They do move in heards"

Bones scattered about

A triceratops from Kong Skull Island

That's a big triceratops

A skull of Kong

Another look at this vast valley

After hanging out in the valley for around an hour it was time to head back to the visitors center for some lunch and shopping. I had some delicious teriyaki beef and then explored the store. There are some great items available here as well as some unique movie props. Some are highlighted below

Teriyaki Beef from Kualoa Ranch

A penguin for sale from the movie 5o First Dates

Jurassic Park Dinosaur on Display

The Waffle used in 50 First Dates

The Cherry Pie & Barbasol
 Can used in the original
Jurassic Park

That's all from Kualoa Ranch

By now it's getting in the time frame of heading back towards the airport for a 4:20 pm flight home. I have time to make just one more stop. Using the trusted Google Maps, I found myself heading for a unique temple inside the Valley of the Temples Memorial Park. I stopped to see the Byodo-In-Temple. This is a replica of a traditional Japanese Buddhist Temple. It was absolutely gorgeous!

Before entering it is best practice to ring the bell.

Once I rang the bell I head on into this remarkable temple.

The view as you enter the temple grounds

Absolutely stunning

The Buddha of the Temple 

With this being my last thing in Hawaii it truly was a calm and quiet moment. A time to reflect on many things. If ever in the area I highly reccomend visiting this location. Admission to the temple was $5.00.

From the temple I make the journey back to the airport to return the rental car and catch Hawaiian Airline's final flight back to Orlando. HNL airport was fairly easy to navigate. Once through security it is open air walkways to your terminal. This was refreshing to say the least as you got to be outside until it was time to board your flight. 

The open air walkways of the HNL airport

Looking out at multiple terminals

Taken from outside once through security

 With that it was time to bid farewell to my 26 hours on the island. My time on the island made me look forward to future and longer visits. The flight home was a long 9 hour red eye flight that landed in Orlando after 7:00 am. 

Each A330 is named after a celestial body of particular
importance to ancient Polynesian navigators

Got my “Window Seat” for the flight home 

Wheels up out of HNL

 Flying over the island of Molokai 

The long journey home is almost over

Landing in Orlando. Thanks for the great flight
Hawaiian Airlines! Let’s hope for your return 
to MCO!

Thank you for touring Hawaii with me in these last two blog posts. If you ever have a chance to go please do! You won’t regret it!

Hawaii in a Day Part 2

Kualoa Ranch also Known as Jurassic Valley Welcome to part 2 of Hawaii in a day. To see the first blog entry please click here . Being on Ha...